India is a very diverse country when it comes to Healthcare.

It ranges from non-existent to World Class, depending on where you look, and what your funding is.

Why India?

india stem cell brain surgery canadian colton gill arrives

When we began searching in earnest for a place to do Stem Cell brain surgery for Colton, we researched many countries. Israel. Sweden. Singapore. Mexico. England. Germany. Finland. North America was not an option, except for a small trial being done in Oregon, which we applied to, but didn’t get accepted.

In 2006, Stem Cell research was just beginning to gain momentum. It was a big focus in India. Three major labs were working with various hospitals. India was perfect for us, both because we needed a country that was flexible enough to accept our Integrative approach to Heath, and one that had high enough standards to provide safety for the procedure. Plus, Colton wanted to go there.

We made three trips to India in total.

  • First, to negotiate with the hospital and Lab to do the procedure. This was complicated, as our Neurosurgeon ended up leaving one hospital to open a new hospital, so there were delays and lots of layers of red tape to get the new hospital B.G.S. Global to agree to this procedure. Thankfully they did!
  • Second, a trip with our Stem Cell Donor (Maria Leslie) to harvest her mesenchymal stem cells (from her hip). This is the only type of Stem Cell which does not require a donor match. Stempeutics Research in Bangalore provided the GMP lab facilities to grow the cells into 68 million for Colton’s surgery.
  • Third, our trip with the entire team for Colton’s surgery. This included Colton’s Naturopathic Doctor and Quantuum Healer who were very familiar with Colton’s care and vitality. Both practitioners were allowed into the surgery, where they supported Colton during the procedure. Very impressive!

After the surgery, Colton was in hospital a week recuperating, and then resting for another 5 days before he could travel under the supervision from his healing team. During this time, we also got to do some sightseeing. The Palace at Mysore, a Safari Park where we rode on Elephants (Colton’s favourite) and several trips to markets to  explore the beautiful wares and incredible spices and colours of India. It’s a beautiful country.

colton india stem cell brain surgery elephants john gill

We are so grateful to have met so many people so willing to open their hearts and help us with this part of our journey.

dr radhike ms rukminini diane wilson stem cell brain surgery india