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Where your Tax-deductible Donation Goes

All donations made to Colton’s Project Possibility — through this website and its links are processed directly to our partner organization WE Charity (formerly Free The Children).

This highly ethical, results oriented International organization is the group which is making Colton’s dream… 283 health projects (mostly in India) happen. WE Charity has been working in India,

Africa and other Developing areas for over 20 years, and they have a model that works! Our part: Colton’s legacy is to fundraise to make the 283 projects happen with help from people like you!

Tax Receipts

All donations will receive a tax receipt for the full amount of the donation, from the country /currency donation originated. Minimum donation $10 for tax receipt. Sent by email upon successful receipt of payment.

Here’s independent report explaining why WE Charity’s (formerly Free The Children) charity rating is 4 star: